- 2019年台灣政治學會年會暨 「社群媒體時代的政治學:新資訊社會中的台灣民主」 國際學術研討會 / 2019-12-10
- Taiwanese People's Favorability for the Chinese Communist Party from 2017 till this January / 2019-11-12
- 十八大後的中央與地方關係 / 2019-09-06
- The Polarization of Cross-Strait Relations since 2016: the Status Quo at Stake / 2019-09-06
- [108年6月12日演講] The South China Sea: History as a Problem, History as a Solution / 2019-06-14
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- Who Do Taiwanese Trust to Engage in Political Negotiation with Beiging? / 2019-04-10