- 臺商大陸投資二十年:經驗、發展與前瞻 / 2009-03-11
- 民主與治理績效 / 2009-03-11
- The Multiple Asymmetries: Revisiting the “Fragile Superpower” Thesis / 2009-03-11
- The Fourth Annual ANSLoC (Asian Network for the Study of Local China) Workshop / 2009-03-11
- 行銷在中國:臺日韓商大陸投資跨國經驗比較 / 2009-03-11
- Electoral Politics in Taiwan: Origins and Consequences of the Electoral Reforms / 2009-03-11
- 中國證券民事訴訟之改革方向—從美國與臺灣之比較法制出發 / 2008-11-11
- 兩岸三地青少年約會暴力現象之比較分析 / 2008-11-11
- The Quest for Social Cohesion in Greater China: Challenges for Social Policy and Governance / 2008-11-11
- 中國GIS空間資料庫的建置暨空間探索分析 / 2008-11-11
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