中心出版 Publications - 研究出版品

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

類別 Category 標題 Title 出版資訊 Reference
會議論文 Does Innovation Cause the Productivity Improvement in Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms? Eric S. Lin, Chia-Ling Lin and Hui-Lin Lin, Does Innovation Cause the Productivity Improvement in Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms?, 76th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Philadelphia, USA, Oct 11, 2013.
會議論文 Production Fragmentation and Technological Dynamics: Productivity Catch-up between Chinese and Taiwanese Electronics Firms Lin, H.L and Y.P. Lyu, 2013, Production Fragmentation and Technological Dynamics: Productivity Catch-up between Chinese and Taiwanese Electronics Firms, 4th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 6-7, 2013.
會議論文 Innovation Complementarities and Productivity Growth: Firm Level Evidence from Taiwan Lin, H.L. and J.Y. Fu, 2013, Innovation Complementarities and Productivity Growth: Firm Level Evidence from Taiwan, 4th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 6-7, 2013.
會議論文 民主協商與社會信任的雙重構建 趙永茂,2013,〈民主協商與社會信任的雙重構建〉,「社會科學與國家建設」學術論壇—「重新發現中國論壇」之十八(12/28-29),上海:復旦大學社會科學高等研究院主辦。
會議論文 The Conflicts between the State and Society in Environmental Governance: Comparisons of Cases in China and Taiwan. 5. Chao, Yung-mau. 2013. “The Conflicts between the State and Society in Environmental Governance: Comparisons of Cases in China and Taiwan.” Paper presented at the Workshop of Development and Issues in Local and Environmental Governance in Taiwan and Japan, 5 December. Tokyo: The University of Tokyo, pp. 1-10.
會議論文 民主協商的基本意涵及其在中國實踐的問題 趙永茂,2013,〈民主協商的基本意涵及其在中國實踐的問題〉,「協商民主理論與實踐」國際研討會(11/9-11),天津:南開大學,頁1-11。
會議論文 從經濟資本到社會資本的發展:中國社會信任與社會參與的課題 趙永茂,2013,〈從經濟資本到社會資本的發展:中國社會信任與社會參與的課題〉,「生活與發展」國際會議(11/8-9),杭州:浙江大學,頁1-10。
會議論文 全球化下地方文化產業營造機制的建構:古坑咖啡產業個案分析 趙永茂、許銘文,2013,〈全球化下地方文化產業營造機制的建構:古坑咖啡產業個案分析〉,「首屆兩岸三地公共治理學術論壇」(10/25-26),上海:復旦大學國際關係與公共事務學院、香港城市大學公共政策學系、台灣大學政治學系主辦,頁1-33。
會議論文 從台北及國外經驗論員林生活圈的發展願景 趙永茂,2013,〈從台北及國外經驗論員林生活圈的發展願景〉,「員林升市」學術論壇(10/2),員林:彰化縣政府民政局、財團法人日本交流基金會,頁12。
期刊論文 Emergence of New Welfare States in East Asia? Domestic Social Changes and the Impact of ‘Welfare Internationalism’ in South Korea and Taiwan (1945-2012) Won-Sub Kim & Shih-Jiunn Shi.(2013). "Emergence of New Welfare States in East Asia? Domestic Social Changes and the Impact of 'Welfare Internationalism' in South Korea and Taiwan (1945-2012)" , International Journal of Social Quality, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 106-124.

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