中心出版 Publications - 研究出版品

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類別 Category 標題 Title 出版資訊 Reference
專書或專書論文 「新自由主義與新自由制度主義」 徐斯勤,「新自由主義與新自由制度主義」,包宗和、宋學文主編, 國際關係理論(台北:五南圖書出版公司,2011)。
期刊論文 ‘Effectiveness of Social Welfare Programs in East Asia: A Case Study of Taiwan’ Ku, Yeun-wen (2011). ‘Effectiveness of Social Welfare Programs in East Asia: A Case Study of Taiwan’, Social Policy and Administration, Vol. 45, No. 7, pp. 733–751. (SSCI) (with Chien-Chung Huang)
專書或專書論文 〈重返經濟優先:臺灣地區的社會福利政策走向〉 古允文,〈重返經濟優先:臺灣地區的社會福利政策走向〉,於王卓祺主編(2011),《東亞國家與地區福利制度:全球化、文化與政府角色》,頁213-233。北京:中國社會出版社。
期刊論文 “Is UNESCO recognition effective in fostering tourism? A comment on Yang, Lin and Han: reply.” Yang, Chih-Hai, and Hui-Lin Lin. "Is UNESCO recognition effective in fostering tourism? A comment on Yang, Lin and Han: reply." Tourism management 32.2 (2011): 455-456.
期刊論文 “Taiwan’s international tourism: a time series analysis with calendar effects and joint outlier adjustments.” Lin, Hui‐Lin, et al. "Taiwan's international tourism: a time series analysis with calendar effects and joint outlier adjustments." International Journal of Tourism Research 13.1 (2011): 1-16.
期刊論文 “Agglomeration and productivity: Firm-level evidence from China’s textile industry.” Lin, Hui-Lin, Hsiao-Yun Li, and Chih-Hai Yang. "Agglomeration and productivity: Firm-level evidence from China's textile industry." China Economic Review 22.3 (2011): 313-329.
專書或專書論文 How Is China Not Western: Contending Chinese Social Science Approaches to China Studies Chih-yu Shih.“How Is China Not Western: Contending Chinese Social Science Approaches to China Studies,” in Sudhir T. Devare, Swaran Singh and Reena Marwah (eds.), Emerging China (Routledge, 2011)
專書或專書論文 《恢復朝貢體系中的主體性-韓國學者全海宗與李春植的中國研究》 石之瑜、徐耿胤,2010,《恢復朝貢體系中的主體性-韓國學者全海宗與李春植的中國研究》臺北:國立臺灣大學政治學系中國大陸暨兩岸關係教學與研究中心。
期刊論文 Bridging Civilizations through Nothingness: Manchuria as Nishida Kitaro’s “Place Chih-yu Shih.“Bridging Civilizations through Nothingness: Manchuria as Nishida Kitaro’s “Place,” Comparative Civilizitons Review (A&HCI) 65 (Fall 2011)
期刊論文 Assigning Role Characteristics to China: The Role State vs. The Ego State Chih-yu Shih.“Assigning Role Characteristics to China: The Role State vs. The Ego State,” Foreign Policy Analysis (SSCI) (January 2012)

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