中心出版 Publications - 研究出版品
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類別 Category | 標題 Title | 出版資訊 Reference |
會議論文 | “Democratization via the Pursuit of Public Accountability: The ‘Wenling Model’ in China.” | Hsu, S. Philip. 2009. “Democratization via the Pursuit of Public Accountability: The ‘Wenling Model’ in China.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Chinese-Style Democracy, November 14-15, Wuhan. |
會議論文 | “Asymmetrical Adaptations to Grassroots Self-government between Rural and Urban China.” | Hsu, S. Philip. 2009. “Asymmetrical Adaptations to Grassroots Self-government between Rural and Urban China.” Paper presented at the International Conference on The Multiple Asymmetries: Revisiting the ‘Fragile Superpower’ Thesis, June 20, Taipei. |
會議論文 | “Asymmetrical Adaptations to Grassroots Self-government between Rural and Urban China.” | Hsu, S. Philip. 2009. “Asymmetrical Adaptations to Grassroots Self-government between Rural and Urban China.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Public Administration in a Changing World: Challenges, Opportunities and Innovations, August 20-21, Hong Kong. |
會議論文 | “Local Tourism Policy Network in Taiwan under Global Governance: A Case Study of Taichung County Mazu International Festival.” | Chao, Yu-Mao. 2009. “Local Tourism Policy Network in Taiwan under Global Governance: A Case Study of Taichung County Mazu International Festival.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Globalization: Democracy, Institutions and Change, June 1-2, Taipei. |
會議論文 | “Rational Choices and Irrational Results: The Democratic Progressive Party’s Institutional Choice in the Electoral Reform.” | Chang, Alex Chuan-hsien and Yu-tzung Chang. 2009. “Rational Choices and Irrational Results: The Democratic Progressive Party’s Institutional Choice in the Electoral Reform.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Electoral Politics in Taiwan: Origins and Consequences of the Electoral Reform, February 6-8, South Carolina. |
專書或專書論文 | 《在超越與再現間的選擇視野》 | 蔡明芩,2009,《在超越與再現間的選擇視野》,臺北:國立臺灣大學政治學系中國大陸暨兩岸關係教學與研究中心。 |
專書或專書論文 | 〈地方治理與產業群聚之關係研究:桃園縣招商政策與光電產業之案例分析〉 | 趙永茂、陳昱舟,2009,〈地方治理與產業群聚之關係研究:桃園縣招商政策與光電產業之案例分析〉,《參與式地方治理研究》,浙江:浙江大學出版社,頁9-49。 |
專書或專書論文 | 《似曾相敵:天安門事件後在美國與臺灣的中國印象》 | 廖高賢、石之瑜,2009,《似曾相敵:天安門事件後在美國與臺灣的中國印象》,臺北:國立臺灣大學政治學系中國大陸暨兩岸關係教學與研究中心。 |
專書或專書論文 | 《跟隨帝國的腳步:德富蘇峰認識中國的視角》 | 葉紘麟,2009,《跟隨帝國的腳步:德富蘇峰認識中國的視角》,臺北:國立臺灣大學政治學系中國大陸暨兩岸關係教學與研究中心。 |
專書或專書論文 | 《不是東方:日本中國認識中的自我與歐洲性》 | 黃佳甯、石之瑜,2009,《不是東方:日本中國認識中的自我與歐洲性》,臺北:國立臺灣大學政治學系中國大陸暨兩岸關係教學與研究中心。 |
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