中心出版 Publications - 研究出版品

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會議論文 〈金融中介機構的相關問題討論:內外兼修—論中國銀行體制的改革〉 王文宇,2009,〈金融中介機構的相關問題討論:內外兼修—論中國銀行體制的改革〉,發表於「因應金融危機的金融法機制:機遇與挑戰」學術研討會,北京:清華大學商法研究中心。
會議論文 “The Intersection of Gender and Ethnicity: Exploring Identity between Intermarried Couples in Taiwan (1998-2004).” Yang, Wan-ying and Kuan-cheng Lee. 2009. “The Intersection of Gender and Ethnicity: Exploring Identity between Intermarried Couples in Taiwan (1998-2004).” Paper presented at the International Conference on Electoral Politics in Taiwan: Origins and Consequences of the Electoral Reform, February 6-8, South Carolina.
會議論文 “Assessment of Influences of Changes in the Electoral System on the Party System: Examination of the Variation Structure Model.” Tsai, Chia-hung, Ding-ming Wang, Chao-chi Lin and Wen-jong Juang. 2009. “Assessment of Influences of Changes in the Electoral System on the Party System: Examination of the Variation Structure Model.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Electoral Politics in Taiwan: Origins and Consequences of the Electoral Reform, February 6-8, South Carolina.
會議論文 “Behind Renminbi’s Rising Power: Economic Asymmetries between State and Society in China.” Tao, Yi-feng. 2009. “Behind Renminbi’s Rising Power: Economic Asymmetries between State and Society in China.” Paper presented at the International Conference on The Multiple Asymmetries: Revisiting the ‘Fragile Superpower’ Thesis, June 20, Taipei.
會議論文 “The Agglomeration and Productivity of Chinese Textile Industry.” Lin, Hui-lin, Chih-hai Yang and Xiao-yun Li. 2009. “The Agglomeration and Productivity of Chinese Textile Industry.” Paper presented at the International Conference on The Technological Catch-up and Industrial Development in China, November 13, Taipei.
會議論文 “Belief, Knowledge and Life: Luminary Buddhist Education and Taiwan Society.” Lin, Duan. 2009. “Belief, Knowledge and Life: Luminary Buddhist Education and Taiwan Society.” Paper presented at 2009 International Conference for Buddhist Sangha Education Exploration on Education for Contemporary Female Sangha, Taipei.
會議論文 “Global Production of Technology in China: Assessment of Co-invented Patents.” Jang, Show-ling, Chiao-hui Chang and Jennifer H. Chen. 2009. “Global Production of Technology in China: Assessment of Co-invented Patents.” Paper presented at the International Conference on The Technological Catch-up and Industrial Development in China, November 13, Taipei.
會議論文 “Electoral Reform and the Change of Political Blocs: The Case of the 2008 Legislative Yuan Election.” Huang, Min-hua and Hsin-Hao Huang. 2009. “Electoral Reform and the Change of Political Blocs: The Case of the 2008 Legislative Yuan Election.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Electoral Politics in Taiwan: Origins and Consequences of the Electoral Reform, February 6-8, South Carolina.
會議論文 “US Strategic Ambiguity under TRA in Cross-Strait Economic Conflict in the Long Run.” Hsu, S. Philip. 2009. “US Strategic Ambiguity under TRA in Cross-Strait Economic Conflict in the Long Run.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Thirty Years after the Taiwan Relations Act, September 25-27, South Carolina.
會議論文 “In Search of Public Accountability: The ‘Wenling Model’ in China.” Hsu, S. Philip. 2009. “In Search of Public Accountability: The ‘Wenling Model’ in China.” Paper presented at The Fourth Annual ANSLoC Workshop, May 8, Taipei.

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