- "From Sinic World to Multiple International Relations in East Asia: Between Outsider Japan and Insider Korea." / 2012-11-12
- 〈全球「自」理:在思想史脈絡中實踐負責任的大國角色〉 / 2012-11-12
- “Openness, absorptive capacity, and regional innovation in China,” / 2012-11-12
- "Pension privatisation in Greater China: Institutional patterns and policy outcomes." / 2012-11-12
- "Social Policy Learning and Diffusion in China: The Rise of Welfare Regions?" / 2012-11-12
- "Towards Inclusive Social Citizenship? Rethinking China’s Social Security in the Trend towards Urban-rural Harmonisation" / 2012-11-12
- “Assigning Role Characteristics to China: The Role State vs. The Ego State.” / 2012-11-12
- 總計畫:東亞崛起中當代中國大陸的發展變遷與「中國研究」主體性的轉換 / 2012-11-11
- 子計畫一:公共治理中國家與社會的合作與競爭:海峽兩岸的當代比較分析 / 2012-11-11
- 子計畫二:中國研究的知識策略及其文明構成:在地學術世界的多點追蹤 / 2012-11-11
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