BBC記者、英國皇家國際事務研究所(Chatham House) 副研究員Bill Hayton於108年6月12日(週三)上午來訪中心並就南海議題發表演講(題目:The South China Sea: History as a Problem, History as a Solution)。由中心執行長蔡季廷副教授主持演講,並邀請中研院歐美所宋燕輝研究員、政治大學創新學院劉復國院長、台灣國際法學會林廷輝副祕書長、警察大學公共安全學系陳偉華助理教授、及本校政治學系廖小娟助理教授一同參與討論及交換意見。
題目:[108年6月12日演講] The South China Sea: History as a Problem, History as a Solution
地點:Room 814, College of Social Sciences, NTU
主講人:Bill Hayton
Bill Hayton has been a BBC journalist since 1998 and was appointed Associate Research Fellow at Chatham House Asia Pacific in 2015. Over the years, he has focused on the South China Sea dispute and Southeast Asian affairs, writing for many mainstream media. Also, He wrote ‘the South China Sea: the power struggle between Asia’ and ‘Vietnam: Rising Dragon’ to Introduced the situation of the South