- 後南海仲裁時期的台灣南海政策 / 2018-10-09
- Transitional Justice and the Human Security of the Post-Conflict States / 2018-10-09
- Aid and institutions: Under the challenging of non-DAC countries / 2018-10-09
- China’s Response to the Legalization of the South China Sea Arbitration / 2018-10-09
- 南海仲裁案是一張廢紙嗎?:從反共有地悲劇論 海洋法公約的爭端解決機制 / 2018-10-09
- 論南海仲裁案中台灣的國際法地位:以新港/政策法學派為中心 / 2018-10-09
- 前南斯拉夫國際刑事法庭的政策對波赫刑事司法體系結構轉型之影響 / 2018-10-09
- Counterterrorist Legislation and Respect for Civil Liberties: An Inevitable Collision? / 2018-10-09
- 論中國的綠色航運政策與國際海事組織規範衝突:以船舶溫室氣體減排為中心 / 2018-05-11
- The Short‐run and Long‐run Effects of Birth Weight: Evidence from Large Samples of Siblings and Twins in Taiwan / 2017-12-01
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