- “Export Outsourcing: Cost Disadvantage and Reputation Advantage.” / 2008-11-11
- 〈從『歐盟憲法』至『里斯本條約』的歐盟人權保障初探──以『歐盟基本權利憲章』為重點〉 / 2008-11-11
- 〈鄭永年的中國新民族主義敘事──華裔作家的一種身分策略〉 / 2008-11-11
- 〈新凱因斯DSGE模型與貨幣法則之匯率動態分析〉 / 2008-11-11
- 〈藝術家的創造力:社會學家的看法〉 / 2008-11-11
- 〈在帝國之外看見精神聯盟─從泰戈爾的文明視野談印度知識界的一種中國認識〉 / 2008-11-11
- “Reforming China’s Securities Civil Actions: Lessons from PSLRA Reform in the US and Government-sanctioned Non-profit Enforcement in Taiwan.” / 2008-11-11
- “Persistent Innovation: A Cross-Country Study of Output and Diversity over Time.” / 2008-11-06
- Shopping in China: Social Change and Modernity / 2008-03-11
- China’s Reforms Compared to Those of Makhail Gorbachev / 2008-03-11
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